Don't worry, your points will continue to be available in your customer area for when you want to use them, as long as the period to redeem them has not ended.
IMPORTANT: If you have points in your customer area that can be exchanged for a discount, if you do not redeem them in a future reservation, the new points you have earned will be added to those you already have accumulated. In case of achieving a total of more than 3,000 points, the amount of the discount is maintained. For example, if you have accumulated more than 3,000 points, and you book again without redeeming them, you will accumulate the points of the new reservation, but the amount of the discount will be the same, since more than 3,000 points correspond to the maximum discount.
When redeeming points, all points available in your customer area will be used, regardless of the number of points accumulated. There is no option to choose how many points you can use, since the system would consume them completely. On the other hand, the new reservation would generate points that could be used in other future reservations.